Terms and Conditions


  • Terms of use and conditions
  • Disclaimer
  • Copyright - prohibition of republication
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  • Privacy policy
  • Cookie policy
  • Visitor/user obligations
  • Dispute resolution
  • Modification/updating of terms of use and conditions


The company Diakogiannis Concept Store with the trade name "ΔΙΑΚΟΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΕΩΝΙΔΑΣ", VAT number 018444786, Tax Office Kos, , telephone +30 22420 22154 located at Leof. Ippokratous 2 street, will be referred to hereafter as the online store or website https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ (hereinafter referred to as https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/. Accessing, navigating and using the services of the online store https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/, implies agreement with the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully together with the conditions governing this website and in case you disagree with even some of them, please do not use it. The following terms and conditions governing the rights and obligations of https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/to all those who access the online store, are set out below in order to best serve them in their search and acquisition of the products they wish to purchase. It is also done in order to inform all visitors of https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ of their respective rights and obligations.


https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ has made every effort to depict as accurately as possible the products available through the display of photographs, descriptions and specific comments. However, this website may contain errors (typographical, numerical and display errors). https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the illustrations and descriptions or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information stated or made available therein. https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for any damage (whether positive or consequential) that may be suffered by anyone as a result of the use of its website and/or information contained therein, regardless of whether the relevant information is provided by https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ or by a third party. https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ makes every effort to ensure that the content of its website is as up-to-date, secure and error-free as possible, but in no case does https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ absolutely guarantee the accuracy and correctness of the data / information contained therein. In any case, the user of this website is solely responsible for evaluating the published content and https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ is not responsible for any risk or damage that the user may suffer from the use of its content.


Any material, trademark or other content of https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ is an asset and is subject to the relevant intellectual property legislation. It is protected by the legal and intellectual property rights of https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ and by third parties who have licensed any material for the promotion of the products. It is prohibited to reproduce any content of the online store https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ (all or part of it) for personal use, exploitation / modification / copying / rental / lending / lending / publication and promotion of it, for any reason by third parties, without prior permission from https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ or from third parties who have granted the above material / content for the promotion of products. https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ shall not have the right to sell the license of that material / content, which has been legally granted by third parties for the promotion of their respective products. The contents of https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ are used only as market information for the prospective buyer. Material from this online store may not be sold, distributed or used in any way for profit-making purposes and for purposes that are detrimental to the interests of the company (logo production, child pornography, exploitation, dishonest profit, insult to public decency, etc.) and are prohibited by law. No part of https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ may be permanently or periodically displayed from any other server (web server). For any misrepresentation or violation of the above terms, the Greek courts are responsible for the application of the law.


The website https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/, may provide hyperlinks to other websites (sites). Browsing through these websites is solely at the users’ own risk. The website https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ is not responsible for any damage that may be caused by the use of links or hyperlinks towards other websites, as well as by the information contained in the web pages of such links.


The website https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ always reserves the right to change or remove any part of, or even the entire, website without any prior notification to its users / visitors. Its users/visitors may not have any claim for compensation if they are unable to use this website or the provided services.


https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/, strictly applying the principles of personal data protection provided for by the International and European Law regulating issues related to electronic commerce (Directive 2000/31/EC, PD 131/2003) as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (Law 2251/1994) regulating issues related to distance sales and the relevant provisions of the Greek law (Law 2472/1997) for the protection of the individual and the protection of personal data, as supplemented by the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Committee (Law 2472/1997), as amended by the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Committee (Law 2472/1997). At your request, your personal data will be permanently deleted and will not be disclosed in any way.


https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ may collect identifying information about its users using technologies such as cookies. By using this website you agree that we may use cookies. Cookie identifiers are small text files that are stored permissibly on the computer or mobile device of a user visiting a website. They make it easier for the website to remember information from each user's visit in order to make it more useful to the user on their next visit (such as language, font size and other display preferences). Cookies originating from the website https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ serve to identify the user, and through statistical data, to improve the services provided to the user, such as by providing personalised services. The collection of non-personal information and data, harmless to the user, which does not in any way reveal his/her identity, contributes to the faster and more efficient operation of the website through statistical evaluations and comparative observations, to the faster processing of the user's orders and to the general optimisation of the services provided by this website. The technical storage of cookies is permitted with the user's consent, which may be given through appropriate settings in the web browser or through another application, for the purposes of transmitting a communication, providing a service expressly requested by the user and for the processing purposes mentioned above. The user may delete the cookie files from his terminal equipment at any time. However, we inform you that doing so may have an impact on the ease of access to the website and may lead to reduced functionality of the website. 

This website uses the following types of cookies:

Α. Necessary Cookies. These cookies do not recognise your identity.

B. Functionality and analytics cookies: These cookies improve our website and provide personalised services (e.g. they remember your choices and preferences regarding secure search and facilitate website browsing, and so on). By improving the functionality of the website through the use of cookies we enhance the browsing experience for the visitor. The information that can be collected about users from this type of cookie is relevant to the server, the type of browser, the user's preferences.

C. Security cookies: This type of Cookies may be used for security purposes (e.g. prevention of cyber attacks and any other malicious activity).

D. Advertising Cookies. This information may be communicated to third parties for the purpose of targeted advertising that may be shown to the user during his/her visit to third-party websites.

E. Social Media Cookies. We may also use the relevant Cookies to track your activity on social media platforms and social media. Finally, these Cookies may help us to improve our website by measuring the time and manner in which you browse our website.

How to delete cookies

To learn further about the types of cookies and how you can manage cookies, you can visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org. If you refuse the use of cookies it is possible that certain features of this website may not function properly.


Users and visitors of https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/ have the obligation to respect and follow the rules of Greek and International Law, along with user morals. Users ought to use this website only in accordance with the Terms and Conditions in force from time to time, in the event of unauthorised use of this website, the user agrees to compensate the Company for any loss or damage incurred.


https://diakogiannisconcept.gr/, may amend these Terms of Use and Conditions from time to time to comply with occurring regulatory changes, in order to optimise its functions and services. Any updates or modifications will be posted on this website with a date indication, so that the most recently updated version is clearly stated.

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